Hospice Care
Making the decision to put a loved one in hospice care is not easy. At CHHS, hospice means celebrating the life of your loved one. Our goal is to help people live out their lives with hope, dignity and comfort.
It is often thought that hospice is only about dying and a place one goes when there are no other options; nothing could be further than the truth. CHHS helps people physically, psychologically, spiritually and emotionally by focusing on living as fully as possible, for as long as possible.
Our hospice care teams consist of experts with experience you can trust, providing our patients and their families the highest-quality care that focuses on comfort, quality of life and the wishes of the patient. Care is provided wherever the patient calls home, including one’s private residence, assisted living facilities, nursing homes and at the Alexander Cohen Hospice House.

Medical, nursing, emotional and spiritual support are provided using an interdisciplinary team approach. Members of our care team include:
- Medical Directors
- Nurse Practitioners
- Nurses
- Attending Physicians
- Social Workers
- Interfaith Chaplains
- Home Health Aides
- Dietitians
- Volunteers
- Grief Facilitators
CHHS receives reimbursement from Medicare, Medi-cal, the Veteran’s Administration (VA) and most private insurance plans for hospice care. As a nonprofit, CHHS is committed to caring for individuals needing hospice support, regardless of their ability to pay.
To schedule a free confidential consultation or to learn more complete the form below or call (209) 578-6340.
“Thank you for your kindness, encouragement, support, and love you showed me, my daughter and especially my sister. You are all my angels.”
– A grateful patient family.